Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the sessions of New Beginningz held?

All sessions are held at either Pali Hill, Bandra (W) or Thakur Village, Kandivali (E). We also have the option available for home visits, depending on your location. Currently due to Covid restrictions, all classes are conducted online until further notice.

Are the sessions done individually or in a group?

New Beginningz offers you both options. Normally, all the services are personalized and therefore done one on one. However, if you want to share your class with other mommies, you can get a group ready and we can do the sessions together.

Is a Doula and Midwife the same?

A Doula & Midwife are two similar yet very different professions. They are both professionals who assist with childbirth. A midwife is medically trained to help deliver women who are having normal, uncomplicated and low-risk pregnancies. A Doula on the other hand is trained to Physically, Emotionally & Informatively support women throughout the process. A doula makes use of Breathing Techniques, Massages, Labor Positions and much more in her bag of coping measures.

When is it the correct time to start ante natal classes and sign up for doula support?

You can start your ante natal classes as early as your 8th week. Diet & Nutrition, All About Your Baby Bump, Exercise / Yoga are classes that will be beneficial for you at this stage.

For the doula service, the earlier you sign up the better so that your due date can be blocked and there are no clashes with other mothers due at the same time.

Another advantage with signing up early is that your doula and you have enough time to bond, share information and make your birth plan.

How will our Ante-Natal Classes help you?

The main aim of our ante natal classes is to help prepare you for Pregnancy, Labor, Birth & Early Parenthood. It is also a great place to meet other parents-to-be and share experiences. This preparation helps you understand the kind of birth you would want for yourself, and will also help you make well informed decisions during the process.

Do you have any support groups available?

Yes. You could contact us to become a part of our WhatsApp support group. Alternatively, you could also follow our Instagram & Facebook accounts for regular Pregnancy & Birthing Tips.

Is it possible to have a Vaginal Birth after a prior Caesarean?

Of course yes. VBAC’s is definitely an option. However, it is important to consider all medical parameters with your doctor before taking a final decision.

Do all hospitals and doctors support the doula concept in Mumbai?

10+ years of working as a Doula has led me to understand that it takes TIME for a change. Few years ago, there were just very few doctors who actually knew off and supported the doula concept, however today the story is quite different. Hospitals and doctors are understanding the benefits of having a doula present, and are a lot more supportive towards the service.

You can always ask your doctor if they are willing to have a doula present, otherwise you could shift to a pro-natural doctor who supports natural childbirth.

If I have a doula present at birth, does it mean my husband will need to be outside the room?

Not at all. Your Doula and husband work together at all times, to keep you as comfortable as possible. Your doula will be like an extended family member who is present to support you with massages, breathing techniques, relaxation techniques and information. While your husband motivates you by hugging and holding you from the front, your doula will massage your back to ease your discomfort.

If I have a doula at my birth, does that guarantee that I will have a vaginal birth?

As a doula provides continuous support throughout the labor and birth process, their presence increases the likelihood of a more natural birth. As per the World Health Organization, mothers with birth companions have been shown to need fewer pain medications, be better satisfied with their delivery experience, and have shorter labors as well.

At the same time, birth being a very vast process, no doula can guarantee a natural birth.

Do you provide home visits for Lactation Support?

Yes. However it depends on your location and the appointments lined up. Lactation visits can also be done in Bandra (W) and Kandivali (E) . Alternatively video calls are an option as well.

How can we find out more about Gentle Birth and Water Birth?

We conduct an informational seminar on these topics along with Dr Ameet Dhurandhar, one of the leading Pro-Natural Doctors in Mumbai at least once a month. This seminar is totally free and will provide all the information you need to make a well-informed decision about the kind of birth you would like to have. Please contact us for further details.

NewBeginningz-Pre Post Natal Classes
NewBeginningz-Doula Services
New Beginningz-Lactation Classes
New Beginningz-Setting Babys Daily Routine

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