To attend the waterbirth informational seminar, do contact us.
To attend the waterbirth informational seminar, do contact us.
Nature has created a woman’s body to do something that is the most special in the world – Give Birth.
However, in today’s day and age, globally, there has been a massive increase in medical interventions like Inductions, Vacuum, Forceps, Epidurals and Caesareans. While these interventions could be essential and lifesaving, they are also extremely risky if done unnecessarily without reason. Having a birth free of interventions gives a mother the opportunity to heal a lot faster, not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well.
The main motive for all birthing mothers should be to have a Gentle Birthing Experience, which is filled with Love, Peace & Positivity. And coping with labor in the correct manner is the first step towards achieving this.
Waterbirths, are one of the gentlest ways to birth a baby. Contrary to all lingering misconceptions, waterbirths are not just a fad among celebrities, however, they are growing in popularity mainly due to the benefits it offers.
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